Eurydice EveDemystifying Dave Cappelle Scandal:In Our Cultural War Of Words, Meaning Matters over Form.Aug 4, 2022Aug 4, 2022
Eurydice EveIf we can’t laugh at ourselves, we are stuck in Digital Discord.Nov 19, 20221Nov 19, 20221
Eurydice EveParadise Now: Sappho in the Age of the Suicide Bomber (& 72 Virgins)Eurydice EveJan 23, 2023Jan 23, 2023
Eurydice EveHow to Change the Social Conditions that Enable Predators like Jeffrey EpsteinPay Motherwork, Not SexworkFeb 3, 20241Feb 3, 20241
Eurydice EveThe Importance of the Nude in ArtArt begins to represent ordinary life, rather than gods and goddesses, pharaohs and queens, when an Egyptian scuplture made of sandstone…Sep 25, 2022Sep 25, 2022
Eurydice EveThe Origin of the WorldFor a talk that will focus on two of the most notorious nudes in art history, I will begin by recalling that for the nude to constitute a…Sep 25, 2022Sep 25, 2022
Eurydice EveNature and SexAll humans start in mothers & are born out of the bodies of mothers & dependent on mothers.May 1, 2021May 1, 2021
Eurydice EveIntroducing the Speak Sex Language. Intro to Mastering the New Language of SexThe best place for us all to start the practice of our deconditioning & reconditioning is with our practice of sex, both alone & with…Mar 13, 2021Mar 13, 2021
Eurydice EveMastering The Language of Emotion, the Language of Reason, the Language of Gender, & the Language…Speaking Sex isn’t the same as having sex. You can Speak Sex all you want & be a virgin or asexual or abstain. You can Speak Sex all you…Mar 9, 2021Mar 9, 2021
Eurydice EveSex: The Thesis from which every new Hypothesis has been drawnSex is the first knowledge. Long before we had come up with words & counting & time & currency, we knew sex & why it mattered to us…Mar 4, 2021Mar 4, 2021
Eurydice EveWhat is Speak Sex?To Speak Sex, we acknowledge that Sex is a human right. A human right to the body’s pleasure & feeling of completion. We need to learn to…Feb 28, 2021Feb 28, 2021
Eurydice EveWelcome to Speak SexSex is a human right & a human imperative. Sexual justice is the Experience of the Freedom and Power of Speaking Sex. Speaking Sex Means…Feb 28, 2021Feb 28, 2021
Eurydice EveTHE SEXUAL HONESTY COMMITMENTLet’s be honest: most heteronormative people are not honest about sex. We are not honest with our lovers because we don’t know how to be…Jul 29, 2020Jul 29, 2020
Eurydice EveI AM NOT WHO I AMThis is one of those times when a crack, a fissure, a faultline, has opened in the system, & that is our invitation. For the first place…Feb 11, 2020Feb 11, 2020
Eurydice EveAs We Write, We Consciously Open Up Space in The Language to Contain Those of Us Who Were For…I began writing on the island of Lesbos (where I was born) at the age of two when I broke my femur & had to lie in bed in a full-body cast…Jul 29, 2020Jul 29, 2020
Eurydice EveMotherhood and IntellectIn graduate school, I read Jacques Lacan and Jacques Derrida, then I read Martin Heidegger in order to read Jacques Lacan and Jacques…Jul 6, 2022Jul 6, 2022
Eurydice EveThe Embroiderer’s ManifestoI use a folk art associated with female silence and oppression to expose the taboo female body and the political turmoil happening around…Jul 6, 2022Jul 6, 2022